How have you seen your role develop or change over the course of your internship?
I have seen my role develop and change in a very large way since I started interning at this organization. At the beginning of my internship I would shadow people and they would show and teach me how to do things, at first I didn't get to do much hands on work. One of the things I had to do often was listen to people explain how to operate and function everything, now that I know how everything works, all I do is hands on and I work almost full time in the back with a coworker I met named Milo. Milo and I do almost everything together, we package orders, we label boxes, we grind coffee, and we stock all of our finished orders so the company can sell it. This might all seem simple but its actually a long process, first we have to print the correct labels for the boxes, then we make the boxes, then we either go get coffee beans from storage to put into the bags or we grind them first, but before we put anything into the bags we first have to get the correct bags for the order and we have to program the machine we put the coffee in to give us the correct amount per bag. After we finish packing all the bags and putting all the bags into the boxes with tape up the boxes and put them into stock so the company can sell the product!
Are you planning to continue working with your internship site or mentor after internship is over? If so, how did these plans develop? What will you be doing?
Yes, I am planning on getting an actual job at the Café during summer after the school year is over. I have already discussed this idea with my mentor and so far it looks like my plans to work at the Café are surely developing, I plan on staying in touch with my mentor so I can further contact her after my internship is complete. If I do end up getting the job, I will most likely keep working hands on in the back and continue to fulfill orders to stock up storage.

Here is a picture of my main working area, there are machines to form bags, a machine to seal bags, a machine to weigh bags, and a machine that is used to fill bags, that one isn't in this picture though.

Here is a picture of Milo filling up the machine
that is used to fill bags, he is filling it with coffee that we grinded in another machine, we use that coffee to fill bags and then package those bags into boxes that we label.
that is used to fill bags, he is filling it with coffee that we grinded in another machine, we use that coffee to fill bags and then package those bags into boxes that we label.